什么是前端, Html + Javascript
html javascript 混杂在一起,开起来是一个大杂烩
MVC:数据(模型) 展示层(视图) 用户交互层(控制器)
- 用户和应用产生交互
- 控制器的事件处理器被触发
- 控制器从模型中请求数据,并将其交给视图
- 视图将数据呈现给用户
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Html 页面, html 模板
1 2 3 4 | <script type="text/template" id="navTemplate"> <i></i> <span>${name}</span> </script> |
控制器是模型和视图之间的纽带。控制器从视图获得事件和输入,对它们进行处理, 并相应的更新视。当页面加载时,控制器会给视图添加事件监听。
1 2 3 | $('').click(function(){ // any code here }); |
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this.setElement( this.model.get('el') ); this.model.set({view: this}); // 如果是当前页,则显示出来 this.model.bind('change:current', this.display); this.display(); if(this.init) this.init(); }, show: function(){ this.beforeEnter(); this.$; }, hide: function(){ this.$el.hide(); this.afterLeave(); }, // 在显示页面之前,需要如何,比如 slogan 隐藏侧边栏 beforeEnter: function(){ }, // 在离开页面之后需要如何 afterLeave: function(){}, display: function(model, current) { if( current ){; } else { this.hide(); } }, // 因为要大量用到, 所以抽出来一个方法 // 将页面显示,绑定到用户变量 bindWithUser: function( user, field, event, selector, params){ var self = this; // 用户点击的时候, 回调函数 params = params || {}; var changeCallback = params.changeCallback; // 当同步的时候, 回调函数 var syncCallback = params.syncCallback; var change = function(e){ var $target = $(e.currentTarget); var type = $'type'); user.set(field, type); // console.log(changeCallback); if(changeCallback) changeCallback(); }; var sync = function(){ self.$(selector).removeClass('cur'); self.$(selector + '[data-type=' + user.get(field) + ']').addClass('cur'); if(syncCallback) syncCallback(); }; sync(); self.listenTo(user, 'change:' + field, sync); this.$el.on(event, selector, change); } }); // 侧边栏控制器 var NavItem = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'li', // TODO 点击实现 events: { "click": "switchTo" }, initialize: function(){ _.bindAll(this, 'toggleCurrent'); this.template = $("#navTemplate").template(); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:current', this.toggleCurrent); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:forInput', this.toggleVisible); }, // 切换到当前页面 switchTo: function(){ // appView 监听事件 Backbone.trigger("switch", this.model); }, render: function () { var element = $.tmpl(this.template, this.model.toJSON()); this.$el.html(element); this.toggleCurrent(); this.toggleVisible(); return this; }, toggleCurrent: function(){ if(this.model.get('current')) this.$el.addClass('cur'); else this.$el.removeClass('cur'); }, toggleVisible: function(){ if(this.model.get('forInput')) this.$; else this.$el.hide(); } }); // 主控制器 var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { 'click a': "gotoNext" }, initialize: function(data){ _.bindAll(this, 'syncForView', 'pageSwitch'); this.$nav = this.$('nav ul'); this.$navIndicator = this.$('nav .cur-step'); this.user = data.user; this.cur = null; // 记录当前的 page this.addNav(); this.gotoNext(); this.syncForView(); this.listenTo(Backbone, 'switch', this.pageSwitch); this.listenTo(Backbone, 'goto', this.gotoPage); // 根据用户选择身份来刷新是否要填写的内容 this.listenTo(this.user, 'change:identity', this.syncForView); }, // 根据id导航 gotoPage: function(pageId){ var page = this.model.find( function(m){ return m.get('el') == pageId; }); if(page) this.setCurrent(page); }, // 点击导航栏切换 pageSwitch: function(page){ if(page == this.cur ) return; if( !this.chkIsFilled() ) { $.gritter.add({ // (string | mandatory) the text inside the notification text: '请将字段填充' }); return; } // 获得没有填写完整 切 index 比要切换的page 小的 var isNotFilled = this.model.find(function(m){ return page.get('index') > m.get('index') && m.isAllFilled(this.user); }); if(!isNotFilled) this.setCurrent(page); }, syncForView:function(){ var user = this.user; this.model.each(function(page){ page.refresh(user.get('identity')); }); }, addNav: function(){ this.$nav.html(''); this.model.each( function (page) { if(page.get('showInNav')) { var view = new NavItem({ model: page }); this.$nav.append(view.render().el); } }, this); }, // 检查当前页面是否全部正确填写 chkIsFilled: function(){ if( !this.cur) return true; return this.cur.isAllFilled(this.user); }, // 点击切换到下一个页面 gotoNext: function(){ if( !this.chkIsFilled() ) { $.gritter.add({ text: '请填充字段' }); // return; } this.setCurrent(this.getNextView()); }, // 获取下一个页面 getNextView: function(){ var curIndex = -1; if(this.cur) curIndex = this.cur.get("index"); var avaliables = this.model.filter(function(p) { var pIndex = p.get('index'); return pIndex > curIndex && p.get('forInput');; }); var next = _.min( avaliables , function(m){ return m.get('index'); }); if(next == Infinity) next = this.cur; return next || this.cur; }, // 设置当前选中页面 setCurrent: function(cur){ if(this.cur) { this.cur.set({current: false}); } cur.set({ current: true }); this.cur = cur; this.setIndicator(); }, // 设置百分数 setIndicator: function(){ var self = this; var p = this.model.reduce(function(percent, page){ if(page.isAllFilled(self.user) && !page.get("showInNav") && page.get("forInput")) { var tmp = -1; if( self.user.isCompany() ) { tmp = page.get("complete"); } else { tmp = page.get("completeForCompany"); } return percent > tmp ? percent : tmp; } else { return percent; } }, 0); this.$navIndicator.html( p + '%'); } }); $.app.views.AppView = AppView; $.app.views.PageView = PageView; }).call(this); |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | // app.js $(function(){ var views = $.app.views; var models = $.app.models; var pages = $.app.pages; var PageInfo = models.PageInfo; var PageInfos = models.PageInfos; var PageView = views.PageView; var AppView = views.AppView; var User = models.User; var app = app || {}; app.user = new User(); app.pages = new PageInfos(); app.pages.add( pages.Slogan(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.BasicInfo(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.CompanyType(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.IncomeType(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.WorkingAge(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.CompanyPosition(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.CreditStanding(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.SocialSecurityfund(app.user)); app.pages.add( pages.UserInfo(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.HouseInfo(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.MonthIncome(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.LoansInfo(app.user) ); app.pages.add(pages.CarInfo(app.user)); // TODO app.pages.add( pages.Region(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.Review(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.CompanyRegion(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.Bill(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.Complete(app.user) ); app.pages.add( pages.CreditInfo(app.user) ); var s = new AppView({model: app.pages, el: '.container', user: app.user}); }); |
- 模型的拷贝
- route
- 模块化 requirejs