云计算 熟悉java集合类(Vector, ArrayList, LinkedList), io, 并发编程(锁 Lock, synchronized)和熟悉jvm原理及内存管理, 对数据结构, 算法有深刻的理解 项目简介 作者 Doug Cuttng, 是 Lucene,
云计算 熟悉java集合类(Vector, ArrayList, LinkedList), io, 并发编程(锁 Lock, synchronized)和熟悉jvm原理及内存管理, 对数据结构, 算法有深刻的理解 项目简介 作者 Doug Cuttng, 是 Lucene,
Benefits of good URL design If you don’t think changing the URL matters, then this is probably a good time to read Cool URIs Don’t Change, w
NoSql 简介 Not Only SQL, 一系列非关系型数据库的总称 关系型数据库中的表存储一些格式化数据结构, 每条记录的字段的组成都一样, 即使不是每条记录都需要所有字段 非关系型数据库以键值对存储, 结构不固定, 每一条记录可以有不一样的键, 每条记录可以根据需要增加一
Drawing the architectural big picture When a web client sends HTTP requests to a Play application, the request is handled by the embedded HT
What Play is Play makes you more productive. Play is also a web framework whose HTTP interface is simple, convenient, flexible, and powerful
Message endpoints The implementation of an interface between two systems isn't always easy, because the interface contains two areas: th
Software Transactional Memory We have an event and we have a number of seats that multiple threads want to lay claim to. Our shared data is
Chinnel types Other names which are often used for these kind of channels are EventQueue or EventBus. Akka has an EventStream which implemen
One of the immediate implications of Actor based programming is how do we model code that requires collaborators to work together if each un
We'll scale the goticks.com app out to two nodes; a frontend and a backend server. The REST Interface will run on a frontend node. The B
difficult in testing Actors Timing - Sending messages is asynchronous, so it is difficult to know when to assert expected values in the uni
启动案例 Akka is based on the Actor programming model. 1 2 3 git clone https://github.com/RayRoestenburg/akka-in-action.git sbt assembly java -j
spf13 intro 简明vim攻略 vim分屏功能 无插件vim编程技巧 Toggle comments using <Leader>c<space> mechanism to load files from the file system <c
Origami programming The dual of folding is unfolding. The Haskell standard List library defines the function unfoldr for generating lists. 1
Applicative Builder 1 2 3 4 5 scala> (3.some |@| 5.some) {_ + _} res18: Option[Int] = Some(8) scala> val f = ({(_: Int) * 2} |@| {(_: